Furt et al. (2013) Plant Journal. 73:417-428

Movie S1. Fluctuations of myosin XI and F-actin signals at the cell's apex of the transgenic line analyzed in Figure 1.

Movie S2. Fluctuations of myosin XI and F-actin signals at the cell's apex of the transgenic line analyzed in Figure S1.

Movie S3. Fluctuations of myosin XI and VAMP signals at the cell's apex of the transgenic line analyzed in Figure 3.

Movie S4. Fluctuations of myosin XI and VAMP signals at the cell's apex of the transgenic line analyzed in Figure S5.

Movie S5. Uncoupling of myosin XI clusters and F-actin.

Movie S6. Ectopic myosin XI-rich clusters (green) anticipate F-actin (red) increase and become motile.

Movie S7. Myosin XI and VAMP dynamics at the cell apex are similar after and F-actin disruption.

Movie S8. Ectopic myosin XI-rich clusters (green) coincide with VAMP signal (red), their signal increases simultaneously before becoming motile.